Friday june 14th 17.00 – 19.00 CET

Brain – heart – constellation as a method for supervision

Dr. Barbara De Dominicis Ebetsberger


This workshop offers a theoretical introduction to the format of the brain-heart-constellation, followed by a practical exercise. You as a professional supervisor/coach can experience how to use this tool in your daily work.



We all know this experience of switching between mind and heart, of thinking back and forth, which often feels tiring and exhausting. We also know what it feels like to be at peace in the mind and heart, a state of “flow“ or harmony.”  It is like a shift into a coherent state, the heart and brain operate synergetically, like two systems that mesh.


This constellation format offers a possibility for supervisees and coachees to bring issues, questions and concerns in this connected space of brain-heart. Working through this constellation process, new, creative steps for solutions will emerge that we had never considered until now.


For the practice you should prepare A – 4 sheets and a pencil.






Barbara De Dominicis Ebetsberger


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